Tuesday, July 29, 2014

International Tiger Day 2014

It seems that one of the most loved animals in the world today is the tiger. These beautifully majestic cats however, may not be around for my grand children to admire. In the last 100 years their numbers have dropped drastically and if we do not take a stand and make a change they could very well go extinct in our lifetime. International Tiger Day was started in 2010 (the last year of the tiger) in order to take a stand and help fight for the change that will protect the few thousand tigers that remain in the wild.

There are several reasons why the tigers populations have dropped so quickly. In some cultures it is believed that by ingesting a part of the tiger one will inherit the power and strength of the tiger. Tiger meat, skins, and other parts are also status symbols and therefore have a high demand on the black market. These fascinating predators are also harvested for sale in the underground pet trade. Another large contributing factor is deforestation. Tigers are suffering from major habitat loss not only from the development of the human population but also from mining of the natural resources in the area such as wood for paper products.

Even though the habitats that are being destroyed are more than 10,000 miles aways there are things you can do to help. 
  • Donate to an organization such as the World Wildlife Fund whose mission is to help educate and protect the tigers.
  • Lobby locally for strict restrictions and requirements for those wishing to keep tigers in captivity and verify that those not in the wild are in reputable managed facilities (such as AZA Zoos and Aquariums, etc.).
  • Being an educated shopper! When purchasing paper products make sure that the paper used is either recycled or harvested from sustainable sources.

For more information as to how you can protect the tigers check out the World Wildlife Fund's Save the Tigers site.

* All tiger images were taken at Busch Garden's Tampa. For more information on their tigers click the link below.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Intro- Conservation

               The world we live in is a delicate puzzle with MILLIONS of pieces that depend on each other. You may not understand why a certain plant or animal is so important to you and it may not be directly, but indirectly each living thing is a link in out chain of life. If we do not take care to conserve and preserve all of the unique things around us they will be gone before we know it. The little choices we make every day effect the survival of the wild. It is my goal to help you understand what simple things you can do to SAVE THE WORLD. Whether you are going grocery shopping or brushing your teeth the little actions you take can add up. I believe that the wild is worth saving and hope that when you are making decisions that could effect the survival of our planet as it is today you ask yourself first, "Is it worth (the) wild?"

Intro- Plants

               There are hundreds of thousands of plants on the planet. Even when I am exploring an area that is not new to me I notice new flora that I may not have seen before. Sometimes what I think is a different plant is just one that I have seen in a different stage. Plants play a crucial role in our ecosystem and different plants have special skills to offer. Some plants even have the potential to help heal our aliments. I will never pretend to know everything about anything. When it comes to plants I will be honest I am no where near a genius, but as I learn new and interesting thing I will share them with you. Because each plant does play such an important role they are most definitely worth saving. 

Intro- Animals

                With literally MILLIONS of animals on the planet it is amazing that each species has different adaptions that make them unique. It is impossible for any one person to be an expert on all of these awesome creatures and even specialists generally focus their studies on a certain grouping of animals (for instance an herpetologist may focus primarily on reptiles from a specific region or with a similar characteristic such as venom). I will never pretend to know everything about anything. Everyday that I spend exploring I learn new things and discover interesting facts from those who work with these animals on a daily basis. It is my goal to help you understand why I think each specific animal is AMAZING and worth saving. Every animal on this plant plays an extremely important role in their ecosystem and has some feature or function that makes them worth saving.

Conservation and Preservation

Coming Soon...

Precious Plants

Coming Soon...

Animal Amazement

Coming Soon...