Sunday, July 27, 2014

Intro- Conservation

               The world we live in is a delicate puzzle with MILLIONS of pieces that depend on each other. You may not understand why a certain plant or animal is so important to you and it may not be directly, but indirectly each living thing is a link in out chain of life. If we do not take care to conserve and preserve all of the unique things around us they will be gone before we know it. The little choices we make every day effect the survival of the wild. It is my goal to help you understand what simple things you can do to SAVE THE WORLD. Whether you are going grocery shopping or brushing your teeth the little actions you take can add up. I believe that the wild is worth saving and hope that when you are making decisions that could effect the survival of our planet as it is today you ask yourself first, "Is it worth (the) wild?"

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